Automatically collect headcounts and workhours on your construction site so you can compare actuals vs. forecast.
Now you can know exactly how many hours workers have actually logged.
Automated Time and Attendance Tracking
Know who, how long, what trades, and what subcontractors are on site.
Actuals vs Forecast
Eyrus prepares a real-time report of actual headcounts and workhours vs. forecasted.
Tons of Other Features
Since you know who is on site, you can also control access, communicate instantly, automate daily reports, and much more.
Eyrus automatically collects worker data on your construction site with smartphones, wearables, and badges. Here are a few examples of how construction sites are set up with Eyrus. Implementation is short and sweet - we promise.
This site is fully secure, with badge-restricted access at all entry/exit points. This site also has setup Zones – which restrict access to certain areas of the site, collect time spent in those areas, and function as muster areas during emergencies.
Eyrus NFC Readers restrict access and capture data at all entry/exit activity points, such as:
Worker Badges
Eyrus Software
This site does not require badges to enter, but the GC still wants to have an objective record of when workers come and go from the site. The GC has also set up Zones—which collect data on which areas of the site workers are spending time.
Eyrus BLE (Bluetooth) readers are placed on site:
Worker Beacons
Eyrus Software
This site does not require badge access and the GC does not want wearables or zones. However, the GC does want to know, objectively, when all workers enter and exit the site.